Wednesday 2 June 2010

Friendship: I miss that moment

by Tara Simms

When you need a shoulder to cry on,
Remember that I have a warm embrace,
Ready to offer comfort.

When you think I'm being too tough,
Remember that which does not kill you
Makes you stronger.

When you need a friend to listen,
Remember that I am here for you,

When you doubt me,
Remember that I once knelt at your feet,
Washing them in service to you.

When you lose faith in yourself,
Remember that I never did,
Nor ever will.


suri said...

salam tuan rumah..
wah manisnya foto2 tu..kata org kenangan yg sukar nak dilupaikan..heehe..

Dhea Ahmad said...

suri~thanks sudi mengomel di sini.... memang sukar nak lupekan semua nyer

Ken Wooi said...

friendships are important =)

Dhea Ahmad said...


Unknown said...

salam nadia.

persahabatan yang tulus akan kekal selama-lamanya walau mungkin terputus hubungan namun kenangan, ingatan dan kasih sayang akan berpanjangan.

persahabatan antara kita pun sangat berharga.