Assalamualaikum WBT
Pertama sekali, Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah... syukur dengan segala nikmat yang Allah berikan... Ohh hari ni hujan saja dari Subuh tadi lagi... Nak bergerak sedikit terbatas.. Apapun, nadia just ingin berkongsi kegembiraan tentang bonus terbaru yang diberikan Nuffnang iaitu Buffered Earning terbaru yang baru saja datang menginap di blog nadia.. Ohhh sangat suka tau.....

Below nadia selitkan sedikit info yang sangat bagus untuk ibu-ibu yang sedang pregnant.. Nadia cuma ambil beberapa point saja ya, selainnya boleh klik link yang nadia sediakan atau iklan Friso Growing Up Together untuk maklumat lanjut...
Food You Should Avoid While Pregnant
Hot Spices
Go easy on hot spices, which include star anise, fennel, Szechuan pepper, chilli powder, cinnamon, pepper and five-spice powder. During pregnancy, your intestines are relatively more dehydrated. Hot spices are heaty and stimulating, which can cause dryness to the intestinal tracts, constipation and bowel obstruction.
Take less than 20 grams of salt (sodium chloride) daily, because too much salt can cause swelling (edema) and high blood pressure. If you’re suffering from heart and kidney-related diseases, or pregnancy induced hypertension, you should avoid eating salt, or switch to low-sodium salt from the start of pregnancy.
Acidic Foods
Many pregnant mothers are drawn to acidic foods to ease early pregnancy discomforts such as nausea and headaches, while some go to greater lengths by abusing acidic drugs like aspirin or Vitamin C. Frankly, it’s best to cut down on acidic foods and avoid acidic drugs completely, especially during the first two weeks of pregnancy as recent researches have shown that these may cause birth defects in babies.
Salted Fish
Stay off from salted fish, as it may contain cancer-causing (carcinogenic) nitrosamines, a by-product of curing fish with sodium nitrite. These substances can pass through the placenta and induce non-hereditary congenital malformations, affecting the growing foetus.

murah rezeki tu..
wow tahniah nadia...rejeki :)
as salam..
entri yang menarik untuk diingati. tambah satu lagi. monosodium glutamat
dpt BE e?
congrats dear..
jom singgah n follow2 belog sy...
hello there,
we are from the 7th, would like to personally invite you to join our contest.we need another 20 more contestant and we going to increase the prize, have a look dear!
Happy muffins all! ;D
With love,
-The 7th-
dtg jenguk awk
tahniah 4 ur new BE..
nak gak.. hikhikhik.. =)
heee..ellis pon dapat buffered ni dari nuffnang jugak..
@ Mie: Alhamdulillah syukur....thanks ya
@ KancilBiru: Iya Alhamdulillah rejeki dari Allah....hihihi thanks kak KB
weewiittt kaachingg masok dh terus masok. alhamdulillah :)
Tahniah.. murah rezeki
@...: terima kaseh...
@ Fyna: Alhamdulillah syukur....rezeki rezeki....thanks fyna...
@ The 7th: Thanks, insyaAllah free, i will join....
@ Rosliza Roslan: Jemput datang selalu ya...terima kaseh...
@ Leily|Ummi Alya Husna: Alhamdulillah syukur, terima kaseh.. nak BE? Meh kita pakat2 minta ngan nuffnang...:)
@ Ellis Suriyani: Alhamdulillah tahniah ya Ellis, murah rezeki...
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